Climate and Weather Modeling
Session 2. Climate and Weather Modeling.
Invited lectures
Lykosov V.N.
"Supercomputer simulation of the dynamics of the Earth system" (in Russian)
Kurbatskii A.F.
"RANS-approximation of turbulence modeling in environmental problems" (in Russian)
Krupchatnikov V.N.
"The hierarchy of models for studying the dynamics of the climate system" (partially in Russian)
Volodin E.M.
"Expected climate change in northern Eurasia in the 21st century according to climate models" (in Russian)
Gordov E.P.
"Computation-geoinformation technologies to support multidisciplinary basic and applied climatic activities"
Oral reports
Bogomolov V., Stepanenko V., Toropov P., Volodin E., Mortikov E.
"Development of land component in climate model of INM RAS" (partially in Russian)
Zenkova Zh.N., L.A. Lanshakova
"Kolmogorov goodness-of-fit test for S-symmetric distributions in climate and weather modeling"
Ignatov A., Chekmarev A.
"Experience of stochastic simulation of interannual variability of selected characteristics of the atmosphere and hydrosphere: opportunities and problems" (in Russian)
Kataev S.G., Kataeva S.S., Ivanova E.V.
"Joint research of the Northern Hemisphere surface pressure and air temperature fields" (in Russian)
Kuzin V.I, Lobanov A.S.
"Analysis of the Tropical and North Pacific SST variations"
Platonov V., Kislov A.
"Mesoscale high-resolution modeling of extreme wind velocities over the western water areas of Russian Arctic"
Short oral reports
Batueva E.V.
"Radiometeorological mapping conditions of refraction in the troposphere"
Bogomolov V.
"Modeling the interaction of the thermal regime of large lakes in Siberia and Mongolia with regional climate processes"
Gubenko I.M., Rubinstein K.G.
"Application of different charging mechanisms of hydrometeors in electrification model of cumulonimbus clouds to the thunderstorm forecast"
Kostornaya A.A., Antonov Antonov V.N., Zakhvatov M.G.
"Using the automatic system of cloud detection based on satellite information for the problem of the synoptic conditions analysis" (in Russian)
Kuzin V.I., Lapteva N.A.
"Analysis of hydrological components of the Siberian region for the XXI century"
Makhnorylova S.V., Tolstykh M.A.
"Simplified Extended Kalman Filter assimilation of soil moisture for the SL-AV global medium-range weather forecast model"
Ushakov K.V., Grankina T.B., Ibrayev R.A.
"Simulation of the Arctic and North Atlantic ocean climatic circulation by the INM-IO model in the CORE-II framework"
Tunaev E.L., Torubarova G.P.
"The reliability of rainfall forecast methods applied in operational practice, of the FGBU «West-Siberian administration for Hydrometeorology and environmental monitoring»"
Chupina O.S., Voropay N.N.
"Air temperature estimation over the difficult terrain in the the Tunka Depression"