Professor М.А. Tolstykh (INM RAS, Hydrometcentre of Russia)
Dr. habil. V.M. Stepanenko (RCC MSU)
Professor RAS I.A. Repina (IAP RAS)
Professor V.E. Podolskiy (MSU Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, MCFAM)
Dr. habil. N.A. Zaytseva (RAS ESD)
Dr. habil. V.M. Khan (Hydrometcentre of Russia, NEACC)
Ph.D. I.N. Sokratova (RAS ESD)
Ph.D. R.Yu. Fadeev (INM RAS)
A.V. Baronov (RCC MSU)
Scientific secretary of the conference
Ph.D. E.Yu. Genina (IMCES SB RAS)
Secretary of the conference
Yu.E. Gordova (IMCES SB RAS)